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CMYK Color Codes

cmyk color blocks

chart is for illustration purposes only

This list of CMYK Color Codes will help you match your printed goods to our papers when making invitations, cards, banners, cupcake toppers, and other printed materials. Because every printer is different, there is no one-color-fits-all guaranteed CMYK code for each paper. These are meant to provide you with a jumping off point and may require a bit of tweaking to match your printer exactly.

There are a number of factors that affect printed color, including the brand of your printer, the age of your printer, the brand of your ink cartridges, the age of your ink cartridges, how clean your print heads are, and the paper you are printing on. Use these codes as a start, and adjust them if needed. For more info on printing on our paper, see our Paper 101 Printing page.



Adriatic 75-26-0-9
Amethyst 35-100-0-60
Azure Blue 22-0-0-5
Bagdad Brown 40-55-61-43
Bitter Chocolate 40-55-61-60
Bright Red 0-95-95-0
Bright White 0-0-0-0
Candy Pink 0-16-7-0
Chartreuse 0-0-85-23
China White 0-0-19-0
Claret 0-100-41-58
Cobalt 100-35-0-60
Dark Grey 0-0-0-82
Ebony 0-0-0-100
Factory Yellow 0-0-100-0
Forest Green 90-30-95-30
Fuchsia Pink 0-90-0-0
Hot Pink 0-100-41-0
Imperial Blue 100-100-25-25
Lockwood Green 100-0-100-0
Mandarin 0-72-95-0
Marrs Green 100-0-41-13
Mid-Green 25-0-52-31
Natural 0-0-9-0
New Blue 52-18-0-19
Nubuck Brown 33-56-66-12
Pale Grey 23-18-24-0
Park Green 30-0-25-0
Purple 75-100-0-0
Racing Green 90-60-70-40
Real Grey 28-22-30-0
Royal Blue 80-80-0-0
Rust 16-70-100-4
Sapphire 100-52-0-25
Scarlet 0-100-66-20
Slate 69-44-46-60
Smoke 55-49-44-0
Tabriz Blue 100-0-0-12
Turquoise 54-0-20-0
Vermillion 0-99-91-0



Blue 60-0-0-0
Green 85-10-100-10
Orange 0-73-77-0
Orchid 8-60-0-0
Yellow 0-7-84-0



Banana Split 0-0-46-0
Berrylicious 33-0-13-0
Black Licorice 0-0-0-100
Blu Raspberry 66-0-25-0
Bubblegum 0-28-15-0
Cotton Candy 0-40-5-0
Grape Jelly 51-60-0-0
Grapesicle 6-17-0-2
Gumdrop Green 48-0-100-14
Hot Fudge 40-55-61-60
Jellybean Green 23-0-100-38
Lemon Drop 0-8-100-0
Limeade 39-0-51-0
Orange Fizz 0-44-88-0
Pink Lemonade 0-16-7-0
Razzle Berry 0-100-0-0
Red Hot 0-98-71-0
Sno Cone 20-0-11-0
Sour Apple 29-0-83-0
Spearmint 34-0-32-0
Sweet Tooth 0-0-0-0
Tangy Orange 0-62-97-0
Whip Cream 0-0-6-1
Wild Cherry 0-99-73-11



Antracite 43-36-41-37
Arancio 0-55-85-0
Blu 100-35-0-49
Cacao 40-55-61-60
Caffe 36-44-56-52
Cashmere 34-42-52-4
Celeste 30-0-9-0
Cherry 0-100-66-20
Dark Blu 100-100-25-25
Foglia 89-26-100-12
Gialloro 0-18-100-0
Iris 100-52-0-0
Lampone 0-99-91-0
Lime 29-0-83-0
Limone 0-0-100-0
Nude 0-13-16-0
Pietra 54-50-50-0
Turchese 69-0-14-0
Vermiglione 6-92-100-1
Vino 29-84-0-50




Barely Gray 0-0-0-10
Barely Green 8-2-16-0
Barely Pink 0-7-18-0
Blacktop 0-0-0-100
Electric Red 12-100-90-10
Nightshift Blue 100-76-42-35
Paver Red 0-100-59-46
Pure White 0-0-0-0
Recycled White 0-0-0-2
Steel Blue 57-40-52-0
Timber Green 90-60-70-40
Whitewash 0-0-6-1



Brown Box Kraft 33-42-82-8
Paper Bag Kraft 0-18-67-25
Parcel Wrap Kraft 0-15-56-15



Bianco 0-0-0-0
Natural 0-0-14-2



Brown 0-36-100-37
Chocolate 48-62-98-49
Kraft 16-26-44-0
Madero Beach 0-0-9-0
Oatmeal 0-12-32-12
Olive 51-48-100-29
Starch White 0-0-2-0
True White 0-0-6-1
Wine 0-79-80-41



White Birch Wood Veneer 0-4-20-10
Cherry Wood Veneer 0-26-52-18




White 0-0-0-0
Gold 0-4-49-18
Silver 35-23-24-0



Black 0-0-0-100
Blue 100-90-0-0
Copper 0-39-57-20
Gold 0-10-39-15
Green 85-10-100-10
Gun Metal 0-0-0-66
Pink 0-100-0-12
Purple 75-100-0-0
Red 0-100-100-0
Rose Gold 0-23-36-14
Silver 37-26-29-0



Black 0-0-0-100
Desert Sand (Rose Gold) 0-23-36-14
Evergreen 85-10-100-10
Gold 0-10-39-15
Pink Sapphire 0-50-20-0
Red Wagon 0-89-65-0
Silver 23-18-24-0



Amethyst 37-40-0-0
Anthracite 0-0-0-85
Antique Gold 0-24-88-33
Aquamarine 16-0-9-0
Azalea 0-87-10-9
Bronze 0-57-100-60
Copper 0-48-69-24
Coral 0-11-18-0
Crystal 0-0-0-0
Fairway 44-0-70-10
Flame 0-52-91-0
Gold 0-14-53-0
Jupiter 0-99-91-0
Kunzite 9-13-6-0
Lagoon 50-0-25-0
Lapis Lazuli 97-67-40-25
Mars 0-99-91-22
Onyx 0-0-0-100
Opal 0-3-16-2
Punch 25-70-0-17
Quartz 0-0-10-6
Rose Quartz 0-28-15-0
Ruby 35-100-0-60
Silver 23-18-24-0
Vista 41-14-0-20

 ©Cardstock Warehouse Paper Company 2021